Panda News from around the world
  • 2009-10-28

    The Royal Mint of Great Britian has release a set of 6 coins in silver, depicting 6 animals the WWF supports (Giant Panda, Polar Bear, Dolphin, Tiger, Rhino and Orang-utan)

    The Royal MInt is restricting the full sets to just 2000 world wide, but you can also buy just one coin.

    Follow the references for more details.

  • 2009-10-26

    News is reporting that 10 of the pandas born in 2008 at Bifengxia will travel to Shanghai for the world Expo next year.

    According to my research there were 11 pandas born at BFX last year, so I'm unsure if all 11 will be sent to Shanghai or 10 of the 11, or indeed there were only 10 cubs born last yeat at BFX.

    Does anyone else have any additional information?


    Thanks to Jérôme and Annette, who pointed out that there is in fact 13 Panda Cubs born in 2008 living at BFX, My records had the extra 2 being born at Chengdu.

  • 2009-10-18

    We had a wonderful trip to Vienna and spent a couple of afternoons just watching the pandas.

    You can view the photos at Flickr

    Fu Long is turning in to a beautiful young panda.

  • 2009-10-06

    Visitors to San Diego Zoo, between October 10th and 19th, can hand in their ideas for the name of San Diego's new panda cub.

    After this date, the Zoo's panda team, comprised of keepers, veterinarians, scientists and others will select several of the names and pass them on to the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association who will then pick a short list of names what will be posted on line, where the global community can vote on their favourites.

    If you wish to give a suggestion for a name, then the name should be in Chinese (Pinyin), have an English translation, be symbolic in meaning.

  • 2009-10-05

    Holiday season will soon be with us. Do you wish that friends and family could get your something panda related, and will help pandas at the same time?
    Then send them to the Atlanta zoo's Auction. There you will find wonderful panda goodies (So, I'm told. It doesn't go live till 9am EST (2pm UK Time).
    All funds raised will be donated to the "Give so they stay" appeal.
    Auction ends at 11:59 pm EST on Saturday, October 31st

  • 2009-10-02

    I have had a report that Da Shuan at Chengdu Research Centre had a little girl on 28th September 2009.

    I was waiting for the official announcement but nothing so far.

    The source of the report is vary reliable, so I've decided to post the good news.

    Well done to Da Shuan, and all the staff at Chengdu.

  • 2009-09-28

    Guo Guo the first panda to give birth last year after the terrifying earthquake, is one of the last pandas to give birth this year.

    She gave birth to a female at 17:35 and a male at 23;12 both on the 27th September 2009.

    Guo Guo has given birth to three sets of twins and a single cub in recent years.

    This brings the total to 24 cubs born this year, with 16 of them born at Bifengxia (BGX). Well done to all.

  • 2009-09-26

    The title says it all.

    Go to Animal Planet hero and vote

  • 2009-09-26

    After the lost of Zhen Ru in March of this year. Tianjin Zoo began the process of looking for another panda.

    A short list of six pandas at Bifengxia (BFX) was drawn up and people from Tianjin zoo paid a visit and choose Tong Tong.

    Then on 24th September 2009, Tong Tong began his travels to his new home. Officials said that Tong Tong will be on show to the public during the National Holiday.

    I can't any information about Zhen Ru does anyone know more? Please send to

  • 2009-09-26

    You may of seen in the main stream press that a UK tv naturist presenter has called for the panda to be left to die out.
    The WWF has released an article on why they disagree with him and why the panda should be saved. (Follow the reference below)
    My Packham has since made an apology for up setting people. I think it just goes to show that humans are increasingly aware of their natural surrounds, and if we as the human race can't save the cutest of animals which is dying out because of us, then what chance does a creature that at first makes us go uck have?

  • 2009-09-25

    The Toronoto Zoo, Canada wishes to spend $83,000 to start the process of obtaining a breeding panda pair from China, most of the money would be spent on travel costs for a delegation of up to 9 people.
    Some of the money would be spent in fund raising the $15 million needed to build a home for the animals, and other money needed to support the pandas.
    The zoo's board is scheduled to debate the issue at its Oct. 2 meeting.

  • 2009-09-25

    Adelaide zoo is getting ready for it's new pandas arriving soon, the construction is on schedule and on budget. They have now chosen who will lead the team of keepers who will look after them.

    Simone Bayly use to be a orangutan keeper but is now off to China to learn more about the Giant Panda, including their reproductive cycle, and how to train and look after them. If Adelaide are lucky enough to have a cub, it could be up to her to look after it, if mum decides not to care for it, especially if it's twins.

    So congratulations to Simone on getting the position.