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Zhang Ka Gives Birth to Twins in the Wolong Semi Wild Centre


Another success for the Wolong semi wild team, Zhang Ka Zhang Ka Dai Li 张卡 505 2000-- Female Hetaoping Training Base Baoxing County an 11 year old wild born Giant Panda has given birth to twins. The second cub was a girl and weighed 137.4g at birth. The second cub was removed because Giant Panda mothers can only raise one cub at a time and the second is usually left to die.

She was mated with Bai Yang on May 26th 2011.

Mother and cubs doing well.

Pambassador Yumiko has reported that twins were born at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Centre, on the 15th August 2011, but hasn't said who the mother was, and I've not seen any other reports. I will look in to and report back later.