Panda News from around the world

Where can you see pandas


We've had a hit on the site from people looking for where they can see pandas in zoo's. So I'm going to try put together a list. I need your help to compile this list. Please add any pandas not in the list in the comments then I'll update the list. Please provide a link if you can. You can also email me at

Update, Thanks to Ivan Lucas for finding some more information for me.

Adelaide Zoo Coming soon. (Wangwang and Funi)

Beijing Zoo Has quite a few pandas including eight , two year olds from Wolong on loan for six months during the Olympics.
Wolong Natural Panda Reserve (Chinese pages) Babel Fish Translation Of the 63 Pandas that were kept there only last years babies remain. One is still missing, One died in the quake and the rest have been moved for their safety.
Bifengxia (Can't find official site please help) Currently has 10 Pandas, including 5 that were evacuated from the Wolong Panda Breeding Centre after the quake.
Chengdu Research Base Of Panda Breeding is home to over 60 pandas.

Berlin Bao Bao (Any body find any links about the pandas here?)
Vienna Yang Yang, Long Hui and Fu Long(Visited there for my honeymoon, Pictures shown on the right)
Madrid Zoo, Spain Bing Xing and Hua Zui Ba

London,Moscow and Paris used to keep pandas but no longer do.
Edingburgh Zoo, is hoping to obtain a pair of breeding pandas in 2008 / 2009

Hong Kong
Ocean Park Le le and Ying Ting

Adventure World Eimei , Meimei, Kouhin , Aihin and Meihin
Ueno Zoological Gardens (Please help with information Believed dead 3 yen news report)
Oji Zoo (Google Translated) XingXing (Koko) and DanDan(Tintin)

Mexico City Xin Xin (Please find me more information)

chiang mai zooFemale: Lin Hui
Male:Chuang Chuang
Can anyone please translate for me? Thanks!

Atlanta Zoo Lun Lun, Yang Yang , Mei Lan
Memphis Zoo Ya Ya and Le Le
San Diego Zoo Bai Yun, Gao Gao, Su Lin and Zhen Zhen
Washington Zoo Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Tai Shan