Panda News from around the world

We're live?


Hello Everyone,

Can you read me?

Hopefully the fancy computer internet magic should now be working.

If anyone can't read this please let me know :)


to the new home of Panda News.

Have a look round make yourselves at home.

The site is still (and I guess will always be) a work in progress, I'm sure a few "features" will appear in the next few weeks as we fine tune the web site.

Please add your comments to this post on your feelings about the new site.

DO you like it / hate it / don't care / it doesn't work let me know.

Apart from the usual stories we have extra goodness. Chief of which is "The-Pandas" Here you will find details on over 700 captive pandas that are known about.

There is still a lot of the pandas who do not have a photo if you have one please send it to along with as much information as you can.

Stories now have pandas associated with them (If it's a story about a specific panda) these show up in a block on the right hand side, along with blocks for other stories relating to the pandas and also the location of the story.

Charities have links of charities that support the Giant Panda. If you know of a Panda Charity not listed then do let us know.

Links provide a gateway to other excellent Giant Panda related web sites. Have I missed your favourite? Send it it.

So over to you, what do you think of the new site?
