If you're wishing to visit
Tian Tian
Tian Tian
甜甜 569
Beijing Zoological Gardens
Nu Nu - #421
Ying Ying - #369
and Yang Guan some time soon, then you will need to make a reservation.
They will go on display from the 16th December 2011, Tickets are currently available from when they go on to display till 31 January 2012 from http://www.reserveyourvisit.com/visit . Tickets for later dates will be added in due course.
The site is very busy, and it takes a lot of patience, a lot of re-clicking to get the tickets.
I've just managed to book my tickets to see
Tian Tian
Tian Tian
甜甜 569
Beijing Zoological Gardens
Nu Nu - #421
Ying Ying - #369
and Yang Guan on December 16th 2011.
See you then.
Is anybody else going?
Would anybody be interested in a Panda News meet-up?, if so make a comment on the PandaNews.org Facebook page, and I'll look into finding somewhere to meet and making an event.
Maybe it's something we can do next year.