Panda News from around the world

Trip pic of the day (Nov 19)


This is one of the pandas that was brought to Bifengxia from Wolong after the quake. He was in a temporary shelter. They're not the best buildings around and the pandas have to be kept inside over night as the enclosures are not strong enough for the pandas to be left unattended. It is quite sad to see the pandas in these buildings but it is the best that they have at the moment. They are busy constructing other permanent enclosures for their panda visitors. Hopefully they will be ready by the end of hte year. I'm sure there will be a big ceremony to open them. Bifengxia was designed to only hold a few pandas at a time. There was a big in flux after the quake. Keepers, building and pandas were tested beyond normal measures. I have nothing but wonder for the Research Centre and the keepers there.

I would like to point out the pandas were well cared for, and the buildings and enclosures were big enough for the pandas. Just not as good as the permanent ones.