Panda News from around the world

Trip Pic of the day (28th Oct)


Once again this is You You You You 优优 474 1998-Aug- Female CCRCGP Bifengxia WOLONG Ying Ying - #382 LIn Nan - #298 (yoyo). She was very restless on the day I took this, she wanted to get back to her bedroom, which we were cleaning, but not quick enough for her it seems. I was trying to give her some food at the time of the photo. She just kept pacing back and forth between the entrance to her room and the water pool that is in her enclosure. I noticed that she must of been sitting in her pool as her bottom was soaking wet. I'll see if I can find the picture of her soaking wet bottom and show that another day. :)

I was told by another keeper that pandas who are coming in to season often display this behaviour, but it was completely the wrong time of year.