Panda News from around the world

More pandas could be in trouble this winter.


Experts at Wolong and Bifenxia have said that they are expecting more pandas that usual in trouble during the winter as they struggle to find food after the quake destroyed a large portion of bamboo. The bamboo is expected to recover but not quick enough for the pandas this year. As the food becomes less pandas wonder in to areas where people are asking for help. Due to education to the villagers from the Chinese government, pandas are no longer seen as threats and the villagers help them, taking them to the Research Centres.

Usually 4-5 pandas are found but this year more are expected. Wolong and Bifengxia, the two research centres closest to the natural habitat of the pandas are trying to prepare for the increase numbers.

Wolong ust 20kms from the quake epicentre was severely damaged by the quake with most of the enclosures damaged or destroyed.
Bifengxia is much smaller than wolong and was not designed to hold a large number of pandas, is undergoing construction to build an additional 20 enclosures to hold the pandas rescued from Wolong.

The pandas rescued from the wild could have infectious diseases and so need to be kept apart from the captive pandas.