Panda News from around the world

Canadian Prime Minister Supports Pandas for Zoo


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has thrown his support behind Toronto Zoo's campaign to obtain a pair of breeding pandas.

The government's support was made public on the 10th December 2009. A letter dated Novemember 27th 2009 from Harper's chief of staff to the zoo chairman Councillor Raymond Cho, was received by the zoo's board of directors on the 9th.

"Rest assured that our delegation will pursue the acquisition of pandas for the Zoo during the Prime Minister's visit. Our delegation will raise the issue during all pertinent meeting," reads Guy Giorno's letter to Cho. "Our Government would be delighted to assist in bringing Giant Pandas to Canada."

Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, the loudest panda promoter on the board, said the letter virtually seals the deal to bring a pair of endangered giant pandas to Toronto on a 10-year loan.

"It's incredibly exciting," said Mammoliti, who was in China last month meeting with zoo officials there. "It is possible, it is within reach and the federal government is on board.

"Now, it really is about becoming lobbyists," he said, noting the zoo board has to stay on Harper to keep talking with Chinese officials about the Pandas.