Panda News from around the world



Name Duo Duo
Stud Number 651
Chinese Name
Sex Female
Date of Birth 2006-Sep-11
Date Died --
Mother You You You You 优优 474 1998-Aug- Female CCRCGP Bifengxia WOLONG Ying Ying - #382 LIn Nan - #298
Father Ying Ying Ying Ying 英英 369 1991-Aug-15 Male WOLONG Beijing Zoological Gardens Yun Yun - #245 Wan Wan - #191
Date Location Comment
0-0-0 WOLONG Birth
2008-05-18 Chengdu Zoological Garden Transfer
2008-05-24 Beijing Zoological Gardens Loan To
2009-03-22 CCRCGP Bifengxia Transfer
2009-04-30 NANJING Loan to